Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Great Wall (Film)

During the Song dynasty, a few miles north of the Great Wall, William, Tovar, and three other survivors from a European mercenary group searching for black powder are pursued by Khitan bandits, who have already killed the rest of them. Upon escaping they seek refuge in a cave but are then attacked by a shadowy monster, leaving only William and Tovar alive, the former having slashed off the monster's hand. The next day, they stumble upon the Great Wall and are taken prisoner by Chinese soldiers, who are led by General Shao, Commander Lin, and Strategist Wang.
The officers have been preparing for a monster invasion which happens every sixty years, and have trained five special units: Bear Troop, Tiger Troop, Eagle Troop, Deer Troop and the Crane Troop.[6] However, they are shocked upon seeing the monster's hand, identified as a member of the Taotie species, as they believed the invasion was still weeks away. Suddenly, a wave of monsters attack the Great Wall, and the soldiers respond with their own special attacks.
The Eagle Troops specialized in archery,[6] the Tiger Troops in ballista and catapults launching burning rocks.[6] Lin's Crane Troop consisted exclusively of female soldiers jumping off the Wall to spear the monsters before being pulled back with elastic cords.[6] The heavily armed and armoured Bear Troops engaged in melee while the Deer Troop served as the cavalry.[6] The monsters are more intelligent and numerous than thought, and kill some of the defenders, but are repelled with William and Tovar's assistance, which earns the soldiers' respect. Later, William and Tovar meet Sir Ballard, a European who, like them, had ventured east twenty-five years ago in search of black powder, which might be sold for a fortune back in Europe. However, like them, Ballard was also taken prisoner and has been serving as an English and Latin teacher. The three foreigners discuss plans to steal black powder from the storeroom and flee while the soldiers are occupied by battle.
During the night, two monsters manage to climb the Great Wall and kill a guard. Shao and Lin lead a platoon to investigate, but they are ambushed and Shao is killed, leaving Lin in charge. Around this time, an envoy from the capital, Bianliang, arrives with an ancient scroll, which suggests that the monsters are pacified by magnets. To test this theory, William suggests that Lin should capture a monster alive using harpoons laced with sedatives, and delays his escape plans to help. At the next battle, several monsters are ensnared, and William bravely slides down a chain to ensure that an ensnared monster is not freed by other monsters. Tovar delays his escape to assist William, to Ballard's disappointment. The soldiers resist the monsters by fighting vertically along the Wall while tied to a chain, and by using spinning mechanical blades. As the monsters are too numerous, Lin resorts to using black powder rockets, whose existence had been a secret. After the battle, the captured monster is taken to the capital by the envoy. A short while later, a hole is discovered in the base of the Great Wall, which the monsters have used as a bypass, a reflection of their cleverness. While Lin investigates, Tovar and Ballard try to escape and knock William unconscious for resisting. Some distance away, Ballard betrays and abandons Tovar, but is himself captured by the Khitans, who, not knowing what the barrels of gunpowder were, accidentally ignite a barrel killing themselves and Ballard. Tovar reclaims the horses but is recaptured by Chinese riders.
Knowing that the monsters are nearing the capital, Lin orders the use of an unstable technology, namely hot-air balloons, to reach the capital more quickly. Most of the balloons catch fire and the soldiers fall to their deaths. William boards the last balloon with Wang, following Lin to the capital, where they find most of the city already ruined. However, they think of a plan to kill the queen monster by tying explosives to the captured monster from earlier and giving the monster meat to deliver to the queen. The three people climb a tower to shoot a black powder rocket to detonate the explosives, during which Wang is killed. Two rockets fail, but the third succeeds after William throws a magnetic stone at the queen right before the rocket hits. In the aftermath, Lin is promoted to regional General, and William forgoes a reward in exchange for freeing Tovar. The two are allowed to return to Europe and a contingent of cavalry are sent to protect them.
Image result for The great wall movie

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